Monday, November 10, 2008

Daddy's Girl

Throughout all of my posts I have realized that there is one person that is missing. My dad. I don't have any pictures of him on here with me or Stratton and I only mention him a few times. I love my dad. He's been such a great dad throughout my whole life. I have always been a daddy's girl ever since I can remember.

My favorite memories are not only with Grandpa B but most of all with my Dad. He took me with him everywhere. I remember going crappie fishing with him when it was SO cold outside and being so happy that I got to spend the day with my dad. I also remember all the times that we would go fishing and just drive around. I loved when we would drive to different lakes and wildlife reserves and he would point out all the different kinds of animals to me. My favorite part of hanging out with my dad is the we talk about everything! It doesn't matter how dumb the stuff I talk about is, he always humors me and talks to me. Now I really appreciate what all my dad has and does for me. He has taken such good care of me and my sister when we were growing up. He would drive me to see my mom while she was working so I could nurse when I was a baby. He would make videos for my mom of my sister and I when we were little to send to my mom while she was away for work. He got my first dog for me. (Mac) He taught me how to widdle with a pocket knife. He taught me how to like potted meat. He also helped make me the person that I am today. I look up to my dad so much and I know he doesn't always get credit for all that he has had to put up with over the years. He really is a great dad and I know he is going to be an awesome Grandpa when Stratton gets older. I can't wait to see Stratton go out with my dad and learn how to hunt and fish like I did.

Thanks Dad for all that you do. I love you so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily, Your Dad has taken the background but has always been there for you so many ways and for all of us through the years. I am so lucky to have him for the best son-in-law ever. May you always be "Daddy's Girl" and know that Stratton will be a special grandson be huntin' or fishin' with him before we know it. You gave wonderful and loving thoughts about your Dad.
Love, Grandma Marge