I know most of the people who follow my blog either know me personally and/or are related to me but you never know who reads your blog. So, here is a little bit more about me.
Name: Emily...Most of my family and friends call me Em though.
Height: 5'4ish. I'm pretty short.
Relationship Status: Married- It will be three years on Feb 23, 2011
Location: Southeast Missouri
Occupation: I work at a company called RapcoHorizon. I work as their Graphic Artist/Designer.
College: I am currently working on my Bachelors of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Sorority: GDI
Family: My husband, Son and myself, 2 parents, still married and an older sister and a pretty much brother in law. My Grandma on my dads side and my Grandma and Step-Grandpa on my moms side. One aunt on my moms side and one aunt on my dads side. On Derek's side I have a father-in-law step-mother-in-law, mother-in law, step-father-in-law, 5 brother-in-laws, 4 sister-in-laws, 2 nieces, and 2 nephews. Both grandparents on Derek's dad's side, and a grandmother on his moms side.
Car: 2007 Kia Optima that I got while I was pregnant because my Toyota Tacoma got recalled. :(
Lucky Number: 23
Music Preferences: I like it all. Except rap. Just not a fan of it.
Favorite Quote: "The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can" Robert Cushing
Random Things about me:
1.) I never wear socks...ever. I hardly wear shoes unless it's really cold outside. I'd much rather be barefoot.
2.) I love to sing in the car with Stratton...even if everyone around me thinks I'm a freak.
3.) I once danced with a group of all black girls (who were all my best friends) to the tootsie roll song. Haha.
4.) I lose my phone ALL THE TIME! Just ask my husband. He's always calling it for me.
5.) I love when Stratton calls me mommy.
6.) I'm ready to graduate SO BAD!
7.) I'm self diagnosed OCD.
8.) I hate the way hair clippers sound.
9.) I have a really bad problem of passing out unexpectedly
10.) I would love to have a dog but I do not have the time, money or patience for one right now.
11.) I have a heart problem. It's called supra-ventricular tachycardia.
12.) I have a slight infatuation with the singer of Avenged Sevenfold. His name is M. Shadows
13.) I love to travel. It's one of my favorite things to do as a family. Especially with my mom and dad.
14.) Fall is my FAVORITE season. Because not only is it SO pretty but it's my and Stratton's birthday.
15.) I had Stratton ON my 22nd Birthday.