Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween!

I just LOVE Halloween!
It's one of my favorite holidays of the year. This time of the year is generally my favorite time of the year anyway. Stratton and I get to celebrate our birthdays, then there's Halloween, then Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then New Years! I just love holidays. 

Yesterday I dressed up at work as a Dia De Las Muertas girl

I woke up and felt horrible yesterday. I took a double dose of cough syrup with codeine on accident before I went to bed last night. It was a case of taking it once then forgetting I took it and taking another dose. Not a good idea EVER! I felt horrible when I woke up. 

Stratton dressed up as an army man! He looked so stinkin cute in his little outfit. 

  We went to Garrett and Steph's house for trick or treating and got go hit about a dozen houses before the storm pushed us back home. I think the people handing out candy knew they weren't going to get a lot of trick or treaters so they were giving Payne and Stratton huge handfuls of candy.
  My other nephew Harris was dressed up as a cowboy. Isn't he just the cutest?!

Camile was so sleepy. Leave it to her Aunty Em to get her right to sleep. I feel like the baby whisperer. As soon as I get a baby they crash.

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