Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 1 of 12 Days of Christmas

It was kind of a hectic night last night so I didn't get this posed on time. But better late than never right?

Day 1: Christmas/Holiday traditions
The last three years that Derek and I have been together we have done Thanksgiving at my Grandma Marge's house for lunch then dinner was at his Grandma Mona's house. There are always SO many people at both places. This year we are going to have to change it up a little bit. We are still doing lunch at my Grandma Marge's house but we will be going to Derek's dad and step-moms house before that to eat another lunch.

For Christmas we pretty well have it down to an art form going to see all of the family. Usually a week or so before Christmas we do rob your neighbor at Derek's step-Aunt Christy's house. Everyone brings a $25 gift and we all cget to snack and eat while we are there. On Christmas Eve we usually go to Derek's dad's house and open presents then go to St Andrew Church for the midnight candle service. (I would highly recommend going to a midnight candle service if you never have. It's SO beautiful.) Christmas morning Derek and I wake up early with Stratton and open our presents to each other and get to watch Stratton open his up. This year should be really fun. After that we head over to my Grandma Marge's house to open MORE presents and eat a brunch. Grandma Marge always makes the best breakfast casserole. I can't wait to have some of it. After Grandma Marge's house we head over to Derek's Grandma Maxine's house to have the last bit of presents opened. Then it's home for a nice LONG nap.

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