Our wedding went beautifully but it seems that nothing can be perfect. Our first honeymoon was great. We went to St. Louis and stayed in the Millennium Hotel right after we left the church. I drove since Derek hates the St. Louis traffic. We made to our hotel and it started to snow as soon as we got there. We got to our room and... well we'll skip this part. Once we were settled in we got dressed nice for our dinner. Before dinner we went down to the lobby to watch the ball game and wait for a little while. We rode down with a whole elevator full of guys our age celebrating something. Come to find out one if them was having his bachelor party that night. They asked what we were doing and we told them. They got SO excited for us and offered to buy us a few drinks. Well Derek a few drinks at least. While we sat at the bar a girl to the right of us kept looking at her left hand and just smiling. Come to find out her boyfriend just proposed to her that night. So that was two people celebrating something that night so far. Once 8 o'clock rolled around we went to the top floor of our hotel where there the restaurant was. It revolved so it gave us a full view of St. Louis. You could see the river, the stadium, and everything in between. For an appetizer we ordered a variety plate that had duck tacos (that neither one of us would recommend), crab cakes (which were awesome), and some other kind of vegetable that was green and did NOT taste that great. Everything was going great. They even offered us a complimentary glass of champagne. Which neither one of us drank. Two tables over was an older couple celebrating also. They were celebrating their 30th anniversary. That made three other people that day celebrating. How cool. We ordered our dinner. Derek got some kind of steak (that he didn't much care for) and I got the seafood pasta (which was awesome). Only problem was that I still had that all day morning sickness and that spinning restaurant didn't make anything better. I didn't feel good at all and was ready to go to bed. We made the full rotation in a little over an hour and half and finally got our check and went back to the room. I was ready for bed but Derek was ready to go watch the rest of the ball game. I was ok with that since all I wanted was sleep. So he went down and watched the game and I went to bed. The next morning we woke up to a sheet of snow. It was so pretty. After we left the hotel we went to the mall and did a little shopping then went home to our apartment.
Our second honeymoon did not goes as well. We received tickets to go see Tennessee play against Kentucky in basketball. Which Derek was SO pumped about. I was too until I woke up the day we were supposed to leave with a nice case of the flu. We left on Friday the 29th of February in the morning. I woke up and did a few errands to the bank and such but felt like I was going to pass out the whole time. We made our last stop at wal-mart and picked up some stomach medicines. These didn't help me at all. We made the 8 hour trip and I slept the WHOLE WAY THERE! Poor Derek didn't have anyone to talk to. Thinking that the sleep would make me feel better I got out of the truck as soon as we got there and immediately felt sick again. I rushed to the bed they made me and slept until the next day around dinner. Derek went out that night with his cousins which was good. I felt so bad that I couldn't get out of bed at all. Saturday for me was spent in bed while Derek hung out with his Uncle Jimmy and family. Saturday night I mustered up enough energy to at least go eat dinner with Derek's family and his cousin Ashley's new fiance's family. We ate at a very nice restaurant and as soon as we got done we went back to the house and changed clothes. I felt better and agreed to go downtown with Derek, Ashley, Justin, and Whitney to a bar downtown. After the bar Whitney took us to a house party. We stayed out a little too late for me and I wound up getting home and an hour later getting sick. Looking back it was a little funny but at the time I was miserable and so was Derek. I wanted him in there with me to get me a washcloth and such but I didn't want him to see me throw up. I yelled for him to be in there with me but as soon as I started to get sick I told him to go back to bed. Which consisted of a blow up mattress on the other side of the basement. (we had to sleep in separate blow up beds because even him being on the same bed as me and moving just a little bit made me sick) Frustrated and tired he went back to bed. The next day was the UK vs UT game. I was in no condition to go and really felt bad that I didn't get to. But I still wanted Derek to go. Being the good husband that he is, he chose to stay home with me to make sure I was ok. He's so good to me. After the game everyone came home and we all sat outside where it was in the high 60's. We woke up Monday morning and drove the 8 hours home. So even though it was awful, it wasn't what either one of us had in mind. I think my favorite moment of the whole weekend was when Derek and I were sleeping on opposite sides of the room on air mattresses and he yells over at me "it's my honeymoon and I don't even get to sleep with my wife!" Poor guy. He puts up with so much from me. I love him so much.