Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Much to talk about.
Anyway, we weighed the little guy today and he weighs 9lb 7 oz and is 22 1/2 inches long! He's getting so big so quick! I've had a hard time with him at night the last week or so because (as I feared) he has colic. Yes, my breastfed son has colic. Most babies that are breast fed don't get it but of course anything that could go wrong does for me. Just call me Murphy. (Murphy's law for those of you out there that didn't get that one) So, we are having to feed every 2 hours now plus get a nice hefty dose of Mylicon with every feeding as well. Poor little guy just get's so fussy that he turns bright red and holds his breath. I feel so bad for him because he's in so much pain and there's nothing that I can do about it. I guess it's part of being a mommy though. You just have to do the best you can with what God has given you.
Since my last post there has been something very tragic happen on my mom's side of the family. A cousin of ours little boy passed away in a car accident. He was 13 years old and his name was Calvin. From everything that I have read on posts and articals about him he seemed like such a loved little boy who had a very bright future ahead of himself. So sad that it came to such an abrupt stop. Before I woud have never felt such remorse for Calvins mom but now, having a little boy of my own, I couldn't imagine losing him. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. I wish them well and pray that they get comfort knowing that he is in a far better place now.
This weekend Derek's Uncle Jimmy and his wife Shana came into town with their son Jimmy. He was born Oct 1, 2008. The day before Stratton. He was so cute and tiny compared to Stratton. I couldn't believe how tiny and cute he was. (not as cute as Stratton though ;) Shh) We had a good weekend getting to see the family. It's always nice having loved ones around. I'll get pictures on here of little Jimmy as soon as I can. He's adorable.
Update on Derek's hand: It is pretty much all the way healed. He can move it just as well as he could before he cut it. The only downside is that he still had no feeling in some parts of it. We just thank God that he still has his thumb.
Grandma Kathie has been a big help still with the little guy. She has come over again to help me calm the little guy down. She's so awesome.
We found a baby sitter here in Jackson as well. Her name is Lisa. Derek and I go to check her and the house out tomorrow around 5 to see how much we like her and the house. I hope she works out.
Other than all of that everything has been going well. I go back to work in about 3 weeks. I know I'm going to be a mess when I have to go back. I don't want to leave my little guy there at the baby's sitters house. I know I'll probably cry. :(
More pictures will be here soon. I promise.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Catching up.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Derek's First Time to Change a Diaper...sort of.
Derek decided that this evening when we got back from his Dad and step-Mom's house that he was going to take on the task of changing Stratton's dirty diaper. So he thought. I of course supervised like the worry some mom that I am. I made sure he kept the old diaper under his butt and made sure he put the wash cloth over his little wee-wee so he wouldn't pee on himself. Derek pulled open the diaper, grabbed a wipe, and started to go in for the kill when Stratton let out a nice juicy fart right in Derek's hand. That was enough to get Derek to throw the wipe, scream like a girl, and run to the bathroom. I of course was in tears because I was laughing so hard. Derek was in tears because he was laughing so hard and Stratton was turning red because I wasn't cleaning him fast enough. Since all the commotion that went on distracted me from cleaning his diaper properly he peed all over his onesie which I hated to change because he has started a new cry where he sounds like he's laughing then he just starts to hold his breath and won't inhale. I got him all cleaned up while Derek watched and laughed it off. At least he tried. That made me happy.
I really do have the best husband in the world. He knows how to make me feel better and make me laugh. What would life be without all the small things?
Day at the Park!
Over all it was such a great day to go outside. I didn't even mess up once as a new mom. I'm very proud of myself. Baby steps. That's how you have to take it. One baby step at a time.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Best Mother a Mother can have
Friday, October 3, 2008
Day II
Our Baby is FINALLY here!
Lovely, I know! 10 cm is finally here. Now for the fun part!
So, this was it. It was time for me to get ready for my little guy to finally get here. Magin Chapman ( one of Casey's friends from high school) was the nurse that got all the equipment ready for Stratton to get here. She did so great.
Aunt Casey and Magin waiting for Stratton to get here.
Derek did so well with me being in so much pain. He rubbed my face and kept telling me all the right things that made me feel better.
Again I was in a lot of pain at this point but Derek was so good about helping me out.
That bedrail really helped during all the pushing. It kept me from completely breaking Derek's good hand.
Hand still on the rail. Casey was AWESOME! She was such a good coach too.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
One More Week
Today is the birthday of James Dale Shadrach Williams.
I haven't heard if he is here yet but seeing how it's almost 9 I'm pretty sure the little guy is here I just haven't gotten any news about him yet. He is the son on Shana and Jimmy Williams. Derek's uncle and step-aunt. Derek's cousin Ashley Williams is also having a big week this week. Not only did she get a little brother today but this weekend she is getting married. Ashley is the oldest daughter of Jimmy (Derek's uncle) she is getting married to one of the sweetest guys. His name is Justin Hoskins. Derek and I wish we could be there for this wonderful event but since there's no baby here yet, that means we can't go.
Speaking of our little one getting here. Derek and I went to the Dr yesterday and he told us the good news. He said I was dilated to 2cm. Which doesn't seem like much but its better than nothing. Anyway, on with the good news. He said that if I haven't had him by Tuesday the 7th that he is going to induce me that day. So, if all goes according to plan, we should have a baby by either Tuesday night or Wednesday early morning. YAY!!!! Finally, the light at the end of the tunnel.
Sunday (the 28th) was a great night for us though. We were both getting ready for bed around 10:30 or so when I started to not be able to breath very well. I was having a hard time breathing and my chest was really tight. So, I called Cathy Schloss my building blocks lady and she told me to call the Dr who was on call. I called and woke the poor guy up and he advised me to just head up to the hospital. So, that's what we did. Derek and I packed into the truck and headed up there. No bags, no extra clothes, nothing. Just my purse and him. We got up there and I wasn't in labor so the guy at the desk sent us down to the ER. So, I sat still gasping for breath as they asked me my life story it seemed like and after some paperwork and a few more questions sent me up to the OB without Derek, because he was still filling out paperwork. I was scared s**tless at this point. I still couldn't breath, my chest hurt, I was being wheeled up to the OB by myself and all I wanted was to be at home, in my bed, asleep. But no! They wheeled me into my first room where I had to get one of those LOVELY gowns on that is great for pregnant women because it's just big enough to get around your belly and your ever so wide hips and barely creeps past your now stretch mark covered butt cheeks enough to kind of shut in the back. Needless to say I mooned every nurse that came in that night if they liked it or not. Once I was in my lovely get up they put me in a bed and proceeded to ask me MORE questions. I could barely breath and they are STILL asking me questions! About that time Derek found his was from the ER back up to my room where the poor guy had no idea what was going on. I didn't either at this point. All I knew was that they were rolling me into a new room. We got into the new room where they told me I had to get an IV and some blood work done. My friend Jennifer Morris was the one that took my blood and she did great. While Jennifer was getting my blood work the other nurse was getting my other arm prepped for the IV. Which wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. All this and I still wasn't done with getting stuck. Since my blood pressure was through the roof they had to get a pee sample too! Easy enough right? Pee in a cup, send it to lab, get the results....done. WRONG! More like......spread your legs, get the first catheter put in, FULLY FEELING EVERYTHING, have the nurse say "well, I gotta get another one. I slipped that first try and didn't get it in.", have another nurse come in, hold up my ever shaking legs, stick the dang thing in AGAIN, get the sample, and bleed for the next 2 days. Lovely, I know. So, at this point I'm scared, I'm shaking, I'm hungry, and I just want to go home. Eight long hours later Dr Morton (my OB) comes in and says that I'm free to go home. My blood pressure was back down to somewhat lower level and I wasn't having contractions as frequently anymore. I later found out from one of my friends that works up at the hospital that they had a seizure syringe ready on hand for me since my blood pressure got so high.
Anyway, I stayed for 8 hours, got no sleep, was in some pain from getting stuck so many times, went home, slept all day Monday and found out my good news yesterday (tuesday).
Only one more week and my little guy will be here.
Can't wait to put pics up on here for everyone!
Oh, p.s. it's my b-day tomorrow!
22 years old! 10-2-08